And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers

Get Involved

Service to one another and our community is a vital part of spiritual growth. If you’re looking for a place to get involved, Cornerstone Bible Church provides a variety of opportunities for all ages to participate. Children’s ministry, technical support, and greeting ministries are just a few. Take a look below to view all of the different service opportunities.

Note: Discipleship is a prerequisite to be apart of any ministry group.


Discipleship (Prerequisite)

Do you have a heart to teach and minister the word of God to others? Discipleship is a great way to teach others while building their foundation in Christ. At Cornerstone we believe what Paul said in 2 Timothy 2:2 is the proper model for Discipleship.



Caring for and teaching children impacts their lives, but its also a great way to minister to parents. For the safety of all children, all volunteers must complete and pass a criminal background screening.



The first impressions of Cornerstone Bible Church are made here long before guests enter a service or class.


Media & IT (Sound)

The use of visual media in the services enhances not only peoples learning capacity, but helps inspire and communicate more clearly. The Media & IT ministry serves in the areas of audio, visual design, web design & IT support (Sound).



Vocalists and musicians are encouraged to use their gifts to minister to the body.



Jail Ministry is dedicated to share the hope we have found in Jesus Christ to the correctional facilities in our local community. In the Jail ministry we share our experiences, strengths, and hopes with those who are incarcerated. We have a Men’s and Women’s group who visit the Platte County jail on a monthly basis.